Shop Prenatal Supplements for Pre & Postnatal Support
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Taking prenatal multivitamins will provide essential nutrients for you and your baby during pregnancy. Depending on your specific needs and diet, your healthcare provider may recommend additional supplements like omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin D for example.
"Folic acid" and "folate" are forms of vitamin B9. While they're often used interchangeably, "folic acid" refers to the synthetic form, while "folate" refers to the naturally occurring form. Some individuals may absorb folate better, particularly those with certain genetic variations.
Iron and calcium are very important since the need for these nutrients increases during pregnancy. Iron helps prevent anemia and supports red blood cell production, while calcium is vital for bone health, nerve function, and muscle contraction. It's important to ensure you're meeting your recommended intake through diet and supplementation.
It is important to be cautious about taking supplements, especially herbal remediers during pregnancy, even if they're labeled as natural. Some supplements may not be safe for pregnancy or could interact with medications you're taking. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen during pregnancy to ensure the safety for both you and your baby.